Write a program that maintains the sales of a company Solved

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Write a program that maintains the sales of a company. The program keeps records of quarterly sales of every division in the company. Each record contains a given division’s information such as name and quarterly sales. The program also performs several functionalities such as: adding a new division record, updating a division’s sales, removing a division record, displaying a division’s sales as well as the overall company’s yearly sale, displaying highest and lowest quarters for the company, and saving the divisions data in an output file.

You need to create a structure, Division, to hold individual division details and a vector of Division structs, called divisions, to hold the data for all the company’s divisions. The Division struct contains the following fields:

struct Division { string name; double quarterlySales [4]; }

The program should read and process a transaction file “DivisionsTrans.txt”. The transaction file “DivisionsTrans.txt” contains several commands such as “display”, “add”, “search”, “delete”, “update”, “calculateTotalSales”, “highestLowestQuarter”, “save”… Each command is written on a new line along with some other related information:

▪ Display

This command displays the details of all divisions in a neat table format. Details include the name of the division, the quarterly sales and total sales for that division. For example: Division Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 TotalSales

Imaging And Printing 22979.00 23854.00 16151.00 25764.00 88748.00 Desktops 13197.00 12844.00 13888.00 15478.00 55407.00 Notebooks 17540.00 16029.00 18830.00 22545.00 74944.00 Workstations 2218.00 2147.00 2148.00 1786.00 8299.00 … Note: Decimal numbers should be printed with 2 digits of precision. There are no spaces in the division names in the transaction file. Each new word in division name starts with capital letter. You need to print them separated by spaces as shown above.

▪ Add DivisionName DivisionQuarter1Sales DivisionQuarter2Sales DivisionQuarter3Sales DivisionQuarter4Sales

This command adds a new Division record to the divisions’ vector. The program should read the Division details from the transaction file (DivisionName, DivisionQuarter1Sales, DivisionQuarter2Sales, DivisionQuarter3Sales, DivisionQuarter4Sales). The program should check for valid sales values (positive values) and duplicate Division entries (same DivisionName). If the Division does not exist in the vector and the inputs are valid, the program should add an entry for that Division and its details at the end of the vector. You can simply use the push_back function to add it to the end of the vector. The program should also display a message that the Division was successfully added to the vector. For example:

add ImagingAndPrinting 22979.00 23854.00 16151.00 25764.00 successfully added to divisions…

If the Division already exists in the vector, it should not be added again. Similarly, if the input values are invalid, then the division will not be added. In both scenarios, the program should display an error message. For example:

add Corporate 22560.00 -23000.00 22800.00 29056.00 Invalid data, can not be added to divisions

▪ Search DivisionName

This command searches and returns all Divisions whose names match DivisionName. DivisionName could be the exact name or a keyword found in the name. So any entries whose name fully or partially matches DivisionName should be displayed. For example, if DivisionName is “Systems”, the program should display the following Divisions from the list: search Systems Division Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 TotalSales

Personal Systems 34303.00 32071.00 35650.00 40741.00 142765.00 Enterprise Systems 27814.00 28183.00 20491.00 18651.00 95139.00 If no matching entry is found, the program should display a message that this Division does not exist. For example:

search Hardware No such division exists

▪ Delete DivisionName

This command deletes an existing Division entry specified by its DivisionName. The entry whose name matches DivisionName should be deleted. Note that deleting could be from any entry in the vector and not necessarily the last record. The program should also display a message that the Division was successfully deleted from the vector. For example: delete Enterprise… successfully deleted

If no matching entry is found, the program should display a message that this Division does not exist. For example:

delete PDA… No such division exist, can not be deleted

▪ Update DivisionName Quarter QuarterSales

This command updates the quarterly sales of a given Division. The command specifies DivisionName, Quarter, and QuarterSales, which correspond to the name of the Division that should be updated, the quarter whose sales must be changed, and the new quarterly sales value, respectively. The program searches for the Division whose name matches DivisionName. If a match is found, it updates the sales for the specific quarter Quarter to Quarter Sales. The program should also display a message that the Division was successfully updated. For example:

update Desktops 3 12888.00 successfully updated quarter 3 sales to 12888.00 Otherwise, the program should display a message that this Division was not found. For example:

update Auxiliary 2 12030.00 no such division exists, can not be updated

▪ CalculateTotalSales

This command calculates and prints the total sales of all divisions in the company.

▪ HighestLowestQuarter

This command determines and prints which quarters have the highest and lowest amount of sales for the company.

▪ Save

This command saves the divisions vector data in an output file “DivisionsOut.txt”. Once done, the program should display a message that the vector is successfully written to file. For example:

Divisions data successfully saved… Note: Each command must be implemented in a separate function.

To test your code, you may load and process the following transaction file:


add ImagingAndPrinting 22979.00 23854.00 16151.00 25764.00 add Desktops 13197.00 12844.00 13888.00 15478.00 add Notebooks 17540.00 16029.00 18830.00 22545.00 add Workstations 2218.00 2147.00 2148.00 1786.00 add AuxiliarySystems 33303.00 35072.00 29650.00 -36750.00 add PersonalSystems 34303.00 32071.00 35650.00 40741.00 add EnterpriseSystems 27814.00 28183.00 20491.00 18651.00 add Software 3933.00 3913.00 4060.00 3586.00 add Corporate 22560.00 -23000.00 22800.00 29056.00 add FinancialServices 3498.00 3629.00 3819.00 3047.00 add OtherServices 22398.00 23520.00 34922.00 34935.00 add Notebooks 27540.00 18029.00 20830.00 22595.00 display search Printing search Desktops search Corporate search Systems search Hardware delete Other delete Corporate delete PDA delete Enterprise update Desktops 3 12888.00 update Imaging 5 34000.00 update Auxiliary 2 12030.00 update Workstations 1 4322.00 display calculateTotalSales highestLowestQuarter save