SOLVED:Application that converts dates from numerical month / day / year -month day year” format

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All of the java classes should be placed in a package named edu.iltu.itk275.assignment9.. The class should be submitted as an attachment to this assignment. They may be submitted individually or placed into a single archive (.zip) file. Write an application that converts dates from numerical month / day / year format to normal “month day year” format (for example, 12/25/2000 corresponds to December 25, 2000). You will define three exception classes; MonthException, DayException, and YearException. If the user enters anything other than a legal month number (integers from 1 to 12) the application will throw and catch a MonthException and ask the user to reenter the month. Similarly, if the user enters anything other than a valid day number (integers from 1 to either 28, 29, 30 or 31, depending on the month and year), then the application will throw and catch a DayException and ask the user to re-enter the day. If the user enters a year that is not in the range 1000 to 3000 (inclusive), then the application will throw and catch a YearException and ask the user to re-enter the year.